Billions more for tax relief and border security under budget approved by Texas Senate
Next step will be action in the state House, where budget writers have different plans for distributing property tax help. Full Story
The latest property taxes news from The Texas Tribune.
Next step will be action in the state House, where budget writers have different plans for distributing property tax help. Full Story
Texans who fall behind on their property taxes face one of the most punitive systems in the nation, where private collection companies can tack up to 20% onto their bill. Full Story
House and Senate lawmakers plan to spend at least $6 billion on property tax cuts, but haven't yet agreed on how much relief should go to homeowners over businesses. Full Story
Lawmakers will debate how to spend $3.5 billion in proposed tax cuts, a legislative priority for Republican leaders. Full Story
The marquee proposal would increase the amount of a home’s value exemption from school taxes to $140,000 from $100,000. The legislation must win approval from the House next. Full Story
Local officials, school advocates and tax policy experts said such a proposal could have dire impacts on basic services. Full Story
Officials took the extraordinary step of taking on new debt to replace the old courthouse, which has been plagued by rats and other pests, elevator breakdowns and flooding. Full Story
Tuesday marked the first day lawmakers could file bills for next year’s legislative session. Full Story
Texas Republicans have been trying to reduce the state’s high property taxes for years, but some acknowledge eliminating them would be too expensive. Full Story
In the state’s larger counties, voters can now elect people to the agencies that appraise property values. Full Story
Texas has spent billions of dollars to drive down property taxes. Many homeowners saw a significant tax cut last year, per a Texas Tribune analysis. Full Story
The Jobs, Energy, Technology, and Innovation program cuts property taxes for new manufacturing, research and development facilities. It replaces a shuttered program criticized for its impact on school finance. Full Story
Voters in Texas’ 50 largest counties will now elect new three members of their respective property appraisal district boards. Full Story
Tax policy is messy. Here are a few tips to help you understand what the recent voter-approved tax cuts mean for your mortgage. Full Story
The $18 billion property tax-cut package is aimed squarely at lowering school district property taxes, which make up the lion’s share of a Texas landowner’s property tax bill. Full Story
Voters approved a massive property tax cut and several other measures, but refused to raise the mandatory retirement age for judges. Full Story
Texans are being asked to cut property taxes, create a new fund for water infrastructure and give child-care facilities a tax exemption among other propositions. Here’s a breakdown of each constitutional amendment and what you need to know to vote. Full Story
Proposition 4 could usher in a bevy of property tax changes. That includes using $12.7 billion from a record state budget surplus to lower school district taxes. Full Story
Early voting begins Monday in the Nov. 7 elections. Here’s a breakdown of the 14 constitutional amendments on the ballot. Full Story
For decades, the Texas comptroller’s office has double-checked property valuations across the state, which help determine how much school districts can levy in property taxes. But when state and county appraisers disagree, districts can end up with big holes in their budgets. Full Story